Your hire car

General information

Owner and contact person: Armando Silveira

Mobile phone: +351 915 772 345

Payment: Mr Silveira will contact you during your stay to arrange payment for the car.

Rental contract: You have already received the rental contract. Please print out this contract and keep it with you in the hire car. Only in the event that you are asked to show the vehicle documents, e.g. in the event of a police check.

Pickup at the airport

This is the great advantage of this offer: While your fellow travelers from your flight have to queue at the car rental counter in the airport to wait for their booked rental car, you can go straight to the car park and pick up the car!

Here are the directions to this car park:

From the arrivals level, take the lift to the check-in level. On this level, exit the airport building to the right. Walk straight ahead to car park "P1". There you will normally find the car in the last row, which is directly adjacent to the airport apron. I have just sent you the make of the car, the color and the number plate by email.

The car is not locked and the key is in the glove compartment together with the papers (insurance etc.).

How to get to the petrol station

Mr Silveira does not normally rent out his cars with a full tank - this means that you return the car with approximately the same amount of fuel. Depending on how full the tank is, it is therefore often better to fill up the car first and then drive to Porto Judeu to your holiday home.

There are two petrol stations near the airport: AZORIA and GALP

Here on the right you can see a map for easy navigation.

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Return on last day

On the last day, simply park the car in the same place where you picked up the hire car. Put the key back in the glove compartment - done!